The Best Child Custody Attorney’s Role in High-Conflict Cases

Deciding on custody and visiting schedules is one of the most difficult aspects of divorce. A sympathetic Knoxville, Tennessee, child custody attorney will put forth endless effort to keep you involved in your kids’ life. The financial aspects of a custody arrangement may also be navigated with the assistance of an experienced family law lawyer.

The top Knoxville child custody lawyers will defend your right to spend time with your children since they recognize that they are at the center of a divorce case. A court considers the “best interests of the child” while deciding custody. Working together with a Knoxville family lawyer throughout this difficult process is the best approach to get the desired result.

Generally speaking, there are two kind of custody arrangements: legal and physical. When a parent has physical custody, they will spend most of their time living with their children and are in charge of their daily upbringing. Legal custody allows a parent to make legally enforceable choices for their kid, including what school the youngster attends, what religion they follow, and what medical treatment they get. When deciding what kind of custody you will receive, the judge in your case will take into account a wide range of criteria.

In some situations, a stepparent may be able to get custody of their stepchildren. In most cases, proving a strong bond with the kid through marriage or other means is how the stepparent establishes standing. A custody agreement also needs the biological father’s approval.

A judge may restrict a parent’s access to their kid if they are deemed unsuitable to be the child’s primary residential parent. A history of abuse, drug addiction, or criminal conduct is frequently the cause of this. Even though it is uncommon, this does occur and needs to be taken carefully.

It’s critical to speak with a Knoxville child custody attorney as soon as a parent has been refused custody. After assessing the circumstances, the lawyer will advise the court on the best course of action.

To locate a skilled child custody lawyer in your region, get in touch with Lead Counsel. Our in-house technology objectively confirms attorneys’ qualifications and compares them to those of state bar organizations and other reliable sources. Verified attorneys have a successful track record and are highly regarded by their peers. This service guarantees that a highly regarded lawyer who can best serve your requirements will be paired with you. It is private and cost-free. We will put you in touch with Knoxville’s top family law lawyer for your particular requirements, regardless of where you are in your case. Give us a call now to begin.